Mother’s Day Gifts: Our Top 10 Guide to the Best Mother’s Day Gifts

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Mother’s Day Gifts: Our Top 10 Guide to the Best Mother’s Day Gifts

Your mum deserves to be spoilt – right? Choosing a Mother’s Day gift that isn’t another candle or box of chocolates, but doesn’t completely blow your budget can be tricky. We’ve pulled together some of our favourite ideas to give you a bit of inspiration for Mother’s Day, but of course remember that she’ll love anything that is an expression of your love

Bouquet of Flowers

We have to start with the obvious and our clear Fig & Bloom favourite… flowers! While they are probably the most popular gift on Mother’s Day, it’s definitely for good reason. Flowers can convey a large range of emotions and messages depending on flower type, colour, size etc. They’re a symbol of beauty and love, and are a sure fire way to make your mum smile!

Mother’s Day is one of the busiest days of the year for florists as I’m sure you can image – right up there with Valentine’s Day! We recommend putting your order in at least a week in advance to be sure that you can confirm your flower selection and delivery date. You don’t have to panic too much if you forget about Mother’s Day though, because many florists will still be able to pull together a beautiful bouquet for you at the last minute and provide you with gift delivery on that day.

If you would like to add a personal touch, you can add a greeting card with a handwritten message inside it to your gift!

Meal At Her Favourite Restaurant

For all those foodie mums out there, a meal in a restaurant or a fancy take away voucher is a lovely idea. Again, it’s good to be prepared and book in advance if you’re planning on dining out – Mother’s Day is popular! Alternatively, quite a few places offer vouchers or a ‘cook at home’ take away option. If she’s a keen cook – a cooking class in a cuisine she has always wanted to try is a fun ‘experience present’ idea. Does she want to learn to make pasta? Is she a keen Thai curry enthusiast? There’s an option for pretty much anything you can think of in terms of cooking classes, so get creative!

Wine Subscription

Instead of a single bottle of wine, have you thought about getting a subscription? There are a wide variety of wine subscriptions available to ensure that your mum gets the wine that she loves. Some vineyards even offer you the opportunity to sign up directly to them, and they will send a wine pack to your mum every three or six months depending on what you choose. 

It’s going to be difficult to go wrong here, but if you’re worried about the type of wine she likes, you can always create a voucher and on Mother’s Day you can let her choose what subscription she would like.

You will be able to choose from a range of bouquets to send to your mum, so you can choose a design that really speaks to her style and personality.


If you’ve got the money to spend, you may want to consider sending your mum on a small getaway. There is nothing better than getting away for a few days and getting some R&R! If your mums isn’t a keen traveller, a day at a spa, or a ticket to a show would be equally as appreciated we’re sure. It might not be something that your mum would book for herself, but that is exactly what makes it one of the perfect mum gifts this Mother’s Day.

Book Subscription

If your mum loves to read, you can consider getting her a subscription to receive new books every month. Sometimes it can be difficult to find the time to research books and take a trip the the book shop. By the time you find time to read – our guess is that you just want to sit down and get into it! Your mum will love being able to curl up with a good book at the end of a long day without the fuss, and this present lasts way beyond Mother’s Day.

Lovre Objects by Emily Maguire

Image courtesy of Isubscribe.

Something Personal

Think about the things that your mum loves, and try to get her something that really speaks to her tastes or favourite things. For example, if your mum is a tea or coffee enthusiast, you could gift a range of different blends and brands to try. Or, if your mum adores her dog more than anything in the world, you can get her a subscription to healthy dog food. If your mum is a creative type, some premium art tools or a new medium for her to experiment in could be a great present idea.

Something Fun

Have you considered taking your mum on an adventure? If you know that your mum is going to be up for something exciting, then book something that will get the blood pumping! This could be anything from go-karting, to skydiving, to white water rafting. The possibilities are endless so have a peruse on what’s available near your area. This is only going to work if your mum is open to new opportunities like this though. We understand that not everyone is, and they don’t have to be, but something fun is perfect for those who love to get their adrenaline pumping.

If you think that your mum would like something a little more tame, you can always opt for something like bowling or ice skating. As long as you two are spending time together, that is the key.

Handmade Gifts

Handmade gifts are the ones that often mean the most. The reason for this is that it shows how much time and care you put into creating something special and personalised for your mum. Some ideas to get you started are candles, soap, you can buy air drying or oven bakeable clay and make a mug or a new bowl. Even a photo album or decorated and personalised photo book! They’re super easy to create, you simply upload your photos and whatever design elements you like and the printed album is delivered straight to your door.

Home Made Gifts

Image courtesy of @fallfordiy.

A Home Cooked Meal

We’re sure your mum might just appreciate someone cooking a meal for her for once! A home cooked meal is one of the best comforts in the world, and the time, effort and love you put into a meal can be felt by the receiver. If cooking isn’t your forté, there are some pretty easy recipes out there that require minimal steps and still look impressive!

At the end of the day, whatever your budget, skill set or present-giving style is… so long as it’s from you and your expressing love and gratitude to your ma, that’s all that matters. That’s what Mother’s Day is all about really! But if you need any help with your blooms, you know where to turn

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